Hello Rock Stars!
The August mix is a pretty fun one, it’s a cool combination of new songs, old songs, but ultimately these are the songs and artist’s I vibe with so far, so enjoy! If you have any new music, albums, or anything else cool going please send it to me so I can check it out! I’m always listening to new Artists, and new music everyday! So send me your cool shit!
——Vegas Music Scene.
Here’s all the cool Weirdo’s for August, please check them out and support:
1. Set Alone
2. We Might Die
3. 8th Ward Trent
4. Lie for Fun
5. Go Bold
6. Serrated
7. Split Persona
8. Dead Money
9. Neon
10. Rumination
11. Angry Caesar
12. Karma Hydra
13. Echodome
14. Sunroom
15. Haddonfield
16. Within Oblivion
17. Lazy Beam
18. Citizens at Risk
19. Krantz
20. The Minges
21. MiMi
22. Gob Patrol
——–VMS xoxoxoxo