AOTW: Set Alone

Hello Rockstars!

Today our Artist of the Week is Metalcore Band Set Alone!
Here’s their story in their own words, enjoy! 🙂

Main and First Photo’s Courtesy of 📷: @slumberpartypanic

“When did you start writing and performing your music. 
What’s your backstory and current lineup.”

Set Alone: 
“We started writing the day we met in late October of 2023, and wrote “My Sweet Revenge” and “See More”. Our first performance was at the battle of bands in Henderson on March 2024. 

It started off with Damian and Angel meeting and playing covers at a local rehearsal studio, until one day when they met Sean and started writing “My Sweet Revenge” and “See No More”. 

After the release of the EP “For what it’s worth”, the full band was finally made with Damian (Blayze) as the drummer, Jay on bass, Angel on rhythm guitar and backup vocals, Sean on lead guitar, and Connor (Waybao) as the lead singer. 

“What artist or bands inspire you and your sound.”

Set Alone: 
“The bands that have inspired us are Avenged Sevenfold, As I Lay Dying, Rage Against The Machines, and Linkin Park.”

“What’s your writing process and inspiration for your lyrics.”

Set Alone: 
“Lyrics were all written by Angel and a lot of it was based on life experience and messages that he wanted to explain through music.”

“I love your songs “My Sweet Revenge”, “See No More” and “Falling Out”. What is the inspiration or story behind these songs.”

Set Alone: 
“”My Sweet Revenge” is a song that is about rising above any abusers or circumstance in your life that hold you back and not letting yourself be a victim but someone who fights back. 

Listen to “My Sweet Revenge” On Spotify:

“See No More” is about the difficulties being in generation z where economically and socially speaking has been the hardest time for us where we need to fight three times as hard to just catch up with past generations. 

Listen to “See No More” On Spotify:

And “Falling Out” is about finding healthy love and not knowing how to deal with it after back to back heartbreak.

Listen to “Falling Out” On Spotify:

“Tell me about your EP*: “For What It’s Worth”. What was the inspiration and process of writing it.”

(*I also did a more in depth review of their EP: “For What It’s Worth”, please check it out!*)

Set Alone: 
“Our EP was our way of discovering our sound and showing off the different genres and styles that influenced us as a band.”

Listen to their EP: “For What It’s Worth” on Spotify:

“Which local artist would you like to work with and why.”

Set Alone: 
“A local band we want to work with in the studio, live, and potentially go on tour with in the future is Hot take. They match our style and our vibe which is hard to find for us in this local scene.”

“What’s your overall theme or message of your music.”

Set Alone: 
“As of now the only message we want to put out is to bring back hardcore and fun back to metal. People are becoming too serious and sometimes the music is just not that deep.”

“Do you have a favorite song that you like to perform.”

Set Alone: 
“”Doing Alright” is our favorite song to play because we get to have the crowd sing along with us and have fun. Playing live shouldn’t just be fun for the band, but for the people that took time out of their day to see us.”

“Do you have any crazy or interesting stories from working in the music scene.”

Set Alone: 
“When we played at the battle of the bands, even though we were super excited to play our first show, we had many technical difficulties.

From the rain that caused shortages, we had ground loop issues, problems with our amps, and still managed to have a show we were confident about.

We didn’t win, but it being our first show going against bands that were way more experienced, already had plenty of music out, with many followers, gave us all the motivation we needed to keep going.”

“What does the future hold for Set Alone.”

Set Alone: 
For our future, especially with our new lead singer, we have a new found confidence that will allow us to have our own signature sound that will be incorporated into our album and future shows. 

“What do you want your audience to feel and experience at one of your live shows.”

Set Alone: 
“We want our audience to feel like they’re part of the show and to have fun while they’re with us. To forget about life and to live in it the moment.”

VMS Thoughts: 

What I love about Set Alone is their unrelenting and gritty guitars and sound, lyrics that cut to your soul and that great throwback hard rock / grunge sound I love from the 80’s/ 90’s, all while still finding their own style and voice for a new generation. 

Their EP is a wonderful step in the right direction of I feel where the band should go, it will be interesting to hear their journey of their sound and wherever they decide to explore the great wall of sound they already have in their songs. 

With Standout tracks like “My Sweet Revenge ” and “Falling Out” which takes you on a wonderful musical adventure with their sick guitar riffs, biting lyrics about love and loss, they instantly grip you into their world and never let go with their infectious music and balls to wall sound.

All of them are incredibly strong musicians who are incredibly skilled beyond their years and I am intrigued to see within the next couple of years where that evolution will take them. As long as they always stay true to who they are, I see them definitely being one of the ones to watch. I cannot wait to go on that musical ride with them as well.

—VMS 🤘🔥😁

For more information about Set Alone, please check out their Instagram