Originally posted on July 17th, 2023
Today I want to talk to you about the high energy Punk Rock group The Forget Me Nows !!
I love them for their wonderfully weird songs, sound and truly one of a kind live shows.
Here’s their story:
The Forget Me Now Consists of:
Ryan – Vocals/Guitar
Paul – Bass
Slater – Drums
“Forever ago we formed under a different name in or right after high school. Slater moved and we became a 4-piece called The Forget Me Nows. The two other long standing members left, and now we’re back to the original 3 and kept the name.”
On Their EP “No Touching “:
“There’s no central theme to the album, we just picked what we thought were the 12 best songs we had and put them together. We have so many more unrecorded songs. Just imagine the possibilities out there (Record Labels, I’m talking to you!). Of course, the title is a reference to the show Arrested Development.”
Listen to their EP Here:
On my personal two favorite songs “Huge Mistake ” and “Spit”:
“Huge Mistake” was actually originally made under that old band name long ago. Bob, our drummer for years of The Forget Me Nows, put his own touches on it on the album. Musically it’s often a combo of us 3 (or 4) putting it all together. Lyrically I can tell you straight from the horse’s mouth (that’s me) that “Huge Mistake” and “Spit” are both ex-girlfriend related. Exes are always great material for song writing after heartbreak. I totally beat Adele and Taylor Swift to this concept (jk). “Spit” is deeply personal and a song we debated on making in the first place because it is much softer than what we usually play. Now it feels like a crowd favorite.”
Listen to “Huge Mistake ”
Listen to “Spit”
On their live shows:
“We love having fun on stage and there are so many stupid ideas we have in practice that never see the light of day. Since the beginning we have literally performed skits or bits at our shows. Sometimes the audience laughs, sometimes only we laugh. Plenty of times the best stuff comes off the top of our heads live. And during the more serious songs or rock heavy moments we just love to get into it with energy. My personal goal is making people laugh very hard at least once every show. And then, like, we can play Spit and make people cry.”
On their musical influences:
“They Might Be Giants are loved by all 3 of us. We have different tastes so these are on a Venn Diagram, we’re inspired by: Queens of the Stone Age, NOFX, Oingo Boingo, Motion City Soundtrack, Primus, 50s and 60s music. Sometimes I think we sound similar to The Toadies and we have gotten compared to The Offspring.”
On The Forget Me Now message:
“The message we want to convey is there is no message! Or maybe love rock music like we do, don’t let it die, and laugh at our stupid jokes.”
What I love about this band and the reason why I chose them this week, is that they truly put on a wonderful, one of a kind show, and have some of the funniest or heartbreaking and beautiful songs. Their energy is so infectious that it’s hard not to see them live and have an amazing time! Their music always instantly puts me in the moods of laughing, smiling, or crying and I absolutely love that! I truly can identify with what they write about and their story. As performers and musicians you truly don’t know what you’re going to get from them, and that is what makes them so exciting!
I truly see wonderful things happening in their future!
And that’s why they are my Artist of the Week!
They have a free show August 4th (2023) at The Griffin coming up, I guarantee you will definitely have a great time!
——Vegas Music Scene
For more information on The Forget Me Now follow them on Instagram: