Originally Posted on Aug. 24th, 2023
Today I am going to be talking about a new up and coming Artist Kurian!
Here is his story in his own words:
His musical influences:
“I feel like I’m obliged to give a different answer every interview, so for this one I will attribute it to uh… Nine Inch Nails because I watched the music video for Closer when I was way too young and it changed the course of my life from there. Trent Reznor also did the music for the original Quake soundtrack and that game is great.”
When his musical journey started:
“I started playing piano at 4 years old and singing on stage for Indian events at 5. I would do both for a while up until high school where I began to get a little rusty with piano but I picked up a cracked version of FL Studio 12 in sophomore year of high school. I’ve used the program to create countless beats ever since (and I’ve upgraded to the standard PAID edition in case anyone was trying to narc me out to Image Line).”
The story behind his new single “Guillotine “ :
“There are no consequences for those who ruin and profiteer off of our natural world. The guillotine is a historical reminder that there are consequences for those who take on the responsibility of political rule but fail to adhere to the needs of the masses.
(However if it were between you and me, I would’ve gone with “Kalashnikov” if the guillotine wasn’t more recognizable.)”
Check out “Guillotine” on Spotify:
About his new 2023 album and Plans for the future:
“I have a new album coming out on August 27th at midnight called “The Desert Will Not Shed Tears for You.” As we begin to feel the effects of capitalist decay and global boiling, what will happen once it’s all scorched away? Even Vegas stands as a pinnacle of western idolatry and hubris, sure putting this city in the desert would be impressive if we didn’t have bumbling politicians that mismanaged the very finite resources at every turn. They’re trying to turn this place into a mini-LA, completely oblivious to the fact that the heat is really gonna get to this city in the next decade. To have that complete detachment from reality, only to realize too late that it will all be burned away. When that happens, the desert will not shed tears for you. Its water is finite.”
What he wants his audience to take away from his music and message:
“Be angry and be aware. It will begin to get harder, and I urge people to stop looking at cultural divisions and focus on the truth, class war. Hate not your fellow man but the wicked dragons up high who sit hoarding their gold and scowling at those who protest. When the time comes, when it falls apart, be there for your community. Be there for the frightened for the meek shall inherit the earth. Proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.”
What I love about Kurian’s music is how you can tell he takes influences from rock, hip-hop, electronic music, and puts it into a musical blender and makes it his own. The core of his music will always be about real problems in this world, our solutions and how we need to fight for what is right, which you can feel the urgency in his lyrics and his voice, you can feel the passion behind what he’s saying, and I appreciate that he is not sticking to the stereotypes of what the general audience assumes music should be, and he is talking about the important things we should all be focusing on, while creating his own genre of his music in the process. His music and his message is beyond his years and I think he absolutely has a wonderful future and I cannot wait to see the amazing evolution of his voice and vision years to come.
His new album “The Desert Will Not Shed Tears for You.” is out Aug.27th.
Check out his Instagram at: https://instagram.com/kurian.1111?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
——–Vegas Music Scene