June Mix! xoxox

Hello Rockstars and Happy Pride Month! xoxoxoxox

Here’s the June playlist, and on time too! (woo-hoo lol)

Please enjoy all these amazing artists and go support them on all their streaming platforms!

Have a wonderful June and be safe! πŸ˜‰

My list of super cool weirdos on the Playlist:

  1. Suicide Kills
  2. Demi Darkhart
  3. 2Dayz
  4. Citizens at Risk
  5. Vlonat
  6. The Red Charade
  7. The Out There
  8. Jekserah
  9. The Wise Idea
  10. Swaggermouth
  11. Within Oblivion
  12. The Style Cramps
  13. Serrated
  14. Trash Animals
  15. The Guilty Party
  16. Algorerhythm
  17. Nikoli
  18. Saul David Clavano
  19. Alina
  21. Set Alone
  22. Aubrey Digital and K.E.W.K
  23. Francia
  24. Secos

If you have a Las Vegas band or an artist you would like to see on next month’s list, please contact me and I will add them to next month! πŸ™‚

——–Vegas Music Scene

Here’s are past Playlist’s of the Month, Enjoy! πŸ˜‰

Visit Vegas Music Scene on Spotify:
